Thursday, May 14, 2009

A complete misunderstanding...

Today I went with my family and friends and saw two different shows. I had a blast just hanging out with everybody, but was really sad to see an incredible trend at both of the shows we went to.
In America, it is ok, and even celebrated in some places, to be "spiritual" and talk about God. At these shows they sang about Jesus right after telling off color jokes. They talked about wanting to be right with God by being good, or being baptized. Often the audience was told goodbye with a "God Bless You.". These shows were obviously geared to an older audience and it made me think something. What you believe about the Bible and its' role in your life is foundational. Although an older generation may have been more moral, the chasm between what God's Word says (specifically the gospel) an what is widely believed about God is extremely large. One of the possible reasons more recent generations have rejected God is that the god that this generation presented to their posterity is not the God of the Bible. Their was and is a fundamental ignorance and/or misunderstanding about what the gospel really is.
What is the gospel? Here it is..
1. No one is moral. We've all broken God's laws.
2. Our sin seperates us from God and must be payed for.
3. God sent Jesus to live a perfect life, and die on the cross. God poured out his wrath for sin on Jesus. When Jesus died on the cross he was paying for our sins.
4. Jesus didn't stay dead. He is God. He came back to life on the third day.
5. If we confess our sin, repent and believe in Jesus and what he did on the cross then God will forgive our sin and give us a home in heaven when we die.

So have you trusted in Christ? Do you know that your sin is forgiven? I hope you do!

-- Posted From My iPod


  1. I completely agree with you. One of the things I love about you is ur passion to share Christ with others. I know you struggle at times not feeling like ur doing enough but I just love ur passion to share it even when it's awkward. Ur the best!
